Sept 30, 2024 - Intensive Mind & Ice Development Camp

Sept 30, 2024 - Intensive Mind & Ice Development Camp


Experience a truly unique hockey development camp with our Intensive Mind & Ice Development Camp. In just one action-packed day, this camp combines 1.5 hours of off-ice cognitive training and 1 hour of on-ice practice to elevate your game. Limited to only 8 players, you'll receive personalized attention while enhancing mental agility, decision-making, reaction time, and focus. The on-ice session complements and reinforces these cognitive skills, improving your spatial awareness, puck control, and game sense. This intensive camp offers a holistic training approach, ensuring you leave with sharper mental skills and refined physical abilities, ready to excel in every game situation.

Date: September 30, 2024

Group Options:

  • Female (2009-2013)

  • Male (2009-2013)


  • Female:

    • Off-ice: 9:15-10:45 am

    • On-ice: 1:15 - 2:15 pm

  • Male:

    • Off ice: 11:00-12:30 pm

    • On-ice: 2:30-3:30 pm


  • Off ice: Mind Body Hockey Performance Centre (3918 Millar Ave, Saskatoon)

  • On ice: Canlan Agriplace (205 Apex St, Saskatoon)

What to bring for off-ice? Good, supportive athletic shoes, a water bottle, and a ready-to-move, fun attitude.

Limited to 8 participants per group.

To finalize registration after selecting 'Purchase,' visit the checkout Cart.

Sept 30:
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